Solicaz at the regional fair for Agriculture (Oct 17th &18th, 2015)
On the weekend of October 17 and 18, 2015, Matiti Agricultural High School welcomed the general public for the tenth edition of the French Guiana Regional Agricultural Show from 9am to 7pm. The theme was the transformation of French Guianese agricultural products in order to create products such as corn fluour, cassava, chocolate, beer, honey, various liquors, etc.
The site was divided into several spaces: a craft and horticultural market, a center for transformation, a youth centre, a farm animal presentation centre, a restaurant zone, a relaxation area, an agro-suppliers area, a fairground for second-hand agricultural equipment, a centre of Producer Organizations and institutions, a training track and school for the Greater Caribbean competition.
Solicaz was positioned at the RITA stand (Network of Innovation and Agricultural Transport) along with several other partners where it presented the project and its objectives.